MATLAB: How to add title and x/y-labels after generating multiple figures


x=[1 2 3] ;
y=[1 2 3; 1 3 9; 1 9 81];
for i = 1 : 3
f(i) = figure;
h(i) = plot(x,y(:,i))
%%what i want is something like this
f(i).xlabel('input Power [kW]')
f(i).xlabel('Energy of the system [kWh]')
This code shows shortly what I want. I generate in a loop a few figures, then afterwards to add the xlabel/ylabel and title. I can access the figure properties with f(i), but I could not find anywhere how to add the labels and the title.

Best Answer

Your approach of obtaining and using explicit graphics handles is a good idea. However the axes title and axes labels are properties of the axes, not properties of the figure, so you will need to get the axes handle and use that. Note that plot returns handles/s to the line object/s, and the axes are the parent of the line object/s, so you could either:
  1. get the parent of the line objects, or
  2. create the axes explicitly and store their handle as well:
fgh(i) = figure();
axh(i) = axes(fgh(i));
lnh(i) = plot(axh(i),x,y(:,i));