MATLAB: How to add the recent value of a variable to the end of the name of another variable as a suffix


I wrote a program in which there are 1000 rounds, and in some rounds under especial circumstances we need to generate a new variable. For example a zeros (2,2). But I need to generate each of these new variables like that:
If my especial circumstances satisfy the program for the first time, the program has to name my new variable: OMICRON_1
If my especial circumstances satisfy it for the second time the program has to name my new variable: OMICRON_2
And so on.
Thus in such way I can recognize how many times my especial circumstances have been satisfied and I can have all of that matrices in my work space. In other words I need to add the current value of a variable like “n” as a suffix to the end of the name of my new variable and for the next time if my especial circumstances satisfy we will have