MATLAB: How to add the corresponding values in different matrices


Dear All, I have 4 matrices, the first one dimension is a= 0 by 0, the 2nd one is b= 44661 by 1, the 3rd one is c = 10 by 1 and the 4th one is d= 35533 by 1. they are vectors with different number of rows but one column each. I need to create a new vector e that equals ( a+b+c+d) in which i sum the corresponding cells but it keeps giving me this message: Matrix dimensions must agree. I know why but I need to solve it please. How can I do that?

Best Answer

C = {a,b,c,d};
c1 = cellfun(@(x)[(1:numel(x))',x(:)],C,'un',0);
c1 = cat(1,c1{:});
out = accumarray(c1(:,1),c1(:,2));