MATLAB: How to add svd(singular value decomposition) in a custom layer

deep learningMATLAB

I am seeing this site and trying to define a custom layer which contains singular value decomposition function. However, when I check validity of layer, it show this following error message:
" The function 'predict' threw an error:
Error using svd
First input must be single or double."
Is this because that svd is not supported data dype of dlarray?
Is there any ways to solve this problem?

Best Answer

Yes, this is because SVD is not supported for dlarray. For its first release in R2019b, dlarray supports about 80 basic methods, you can see them listed here. It would help us prioritize which new functions would be most helpful to add if you could give us some details about what you are using the SVD for.
Instead of using dlarray in the predict method, you can use the SVD if you implement a forward and backward method for your custom layer.
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