MATLAB: How to add Poisson noise to an ellipse drawn in a figure while keeping other shapes without the same noise

Image Processing Toolboxpoisson noise to an image

Poisson noise is described to add noise to an image not to a part of a figure.

Best Answer

I don't understand the problem, probably because you forgot to include a screenshot. Ellipses can be drawn in an "image" which is displayed in an "axes" on a "figure". An "axes" is part of a "figure". An "image" can have other things in it besides ellipses. It could be virtually anything like a snapshot from your camera. The noise can be in the image pixels in an elliptical region of your snapshot, or it can be on a uniform elliptical patch that's drawn onto your image. Please describe what you have using more precise terminology and include a screenshot. Or simply try imnoise().
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