MATLAB: How to add plot titles in a for loop

cell arrayfor loophistogramplotsprintfstringtitle

I want to add a title to these plots that changes in each loop
AccNames = {'Longnitudinal'; 'Lateral'; 'Normal'; 'Pitch'; 'Roll'; 'Yaw'};
for i = 1:6
title(sprintf('Exceedence Diagram of %d Accelaration', AccNames{i}))
This code returns two and tree digit numbers inserted into the title, not the strings specified, if anyone could give me some guidance i'd be very grateful!

Best Answer

You use the wrong format identier (%d) in sprintf,, which should be %s:
X = 'Jasper'
sprintf('Hello %s!', X)
(and you misspelled longnitudinal, remove the n after the g ;)