MATLAB: How to add number in the names of the outputs when I use “for” function

for loopnames

I want to change the name of a out using "for", i.e.:
I have this function:
for i=NCf
[Xmax,Imax,Xmin,Imin]= extrema(Graph);
For each loop I want to change the names of the outputs! Can I use the "for" function to add something in the name of output, i.e: When for i=1 function have this name of outputs:
Xmax1, Imax1, Xmin1, Imin1
when for i=2
Xmax2, Imax2, Xmin2, Imin2
so on….
How can I put this?

Best Answer

The best way to do this is probably via cell arrays:
[Xmax{i},Imax{i},Xmin{i},Imin{i}]= extrema(Graph);
Note the curly brackets.