MATLAB: How to add non-numerical axis values in 3D scatter plots

3d plotsaxesMATLABnon numericscatter plottick labels

I am using a 3D scatter plot option. Can the x-axis values be labeled as "1:1, 2:1, 5:1, 8:1, 10:1" as peak area ratios? Currently, I added dummy numbers but the true labels should be the ratios as written. This is Matlab 2019a. Thanks.
This the syntax
scatter3(x,y,z,56, '^', 'r', 'MarkerFaceColor','r') % 56 is the marker size

Best Answer

lbls=num2str([1 2 5 8 10].','%d:1'); % build char array of desired tick labels
xticklabels(lbls) % and write 'em...
Tick labels are 1:1 to ticks so just make the same number of labels as have ticks.