MATLAB: How to add new data to specific row and colum of a matrix


Eg: A = [1 2 5; 3 4 6; 7 8 9];
i want to make it
A = [1 0 2 5; 3 0 4 6; 0 0 0 0; 7 0 8 9];
Thank you

Best Answer

B= [1 2 5; 3 4 6; 7 8 9]
n1=2 %Position of the row to add
m1=3 %position of the column to add
A=[A(:,1:m1) zeros(n,1) A(:,m1+1:end)]
A=[A(1:n1,:); zeros(1,m+1) ;A(n1+1:end,:)]
A([1 end],:)=[];
A(:,[1 end])=[]