MATLAB: How to add NaNs to a cell array in positions that match the positions of NaNs in a separate matrix

cell arrayfindindexing

I have a matrix (A) containing some NaNs. I also have a cell array (B) with no NaNs, containing script in every element.
Where NaNs exist in A, I also want NaNs to appear in B.
Below is my failed attempt to do this. The final line of the script results in an error: "Conversion to cell from double is not possible." Any advice would be much appreciated.
A = rand(2); % matrix
A(1,2) = NaN
B = {'fred' 'wilma'; % cell array
'barney' 'betty'};
nan_locations = find(isnan(A)); % index location of NaNs in A
B(nan_locations) = NaN % in B insert NaNs in same locations as A

Best Answer

B(isnan(A)) = {NaN}