MATLAB: How to add multiple AXI4-Stream Interfaces to an IP Core generated by HDL Coder

axi streamaxi4-streamHDL Coderip core

How do I add multiple AXI4-Stream channels to an IP Core generated by HDL Coder?

Best Answer

As of MATLAB R2019a, HDL Coder only supports one Slave (input) AXI4-Stream interface, and one Master (output) AXI4-Stream interface per IP core. For many SDR and video applications, multiple input or output channels are needed.
At this time, a possible workaround is as follows:
1) In HDL Workflow Advisor Task 1.1, it is necessary to select a specific board for "Target platform" (e.g. "Zedboard"). If you select "Generic Xilinx Platform", it is not currently possible to support this workflow
2) Create and register a custom reference design for the selected board, following the workflow outlined here:
To ease this process, you can refer to an existing reference design for the selected board. For example, on a Windows machine the AXI4-Stream reference design for the Zedboard could be found at:
This will also require exporting a block design from Vivado. A full example of this workflow can be found here:
3) In the custom reference design file (e.g. "plugin_rd.m"), call the "addAXI4StreamInterface" function multiple times to define multiple AXI4-Stream interfaces. Each one of these can be specified with a different Interface ID to distinguish them. For example, you might do the following in your custom reference design file:
% add first AXI4-Stream interface
hRD.addAXI4StreamInterface( ...
'MasterChannelNumber', 1, ...
'SlaveChannelNumber', 1, ...
'MasterChannelConnection', 'axi_dma_s2mm/S_AXIS_S2MM', ...
'SlaveChannelConnection', 'axi_dma_mm2s/M_AXIS_MM2S', ...
'MasterChannelDataWidth', 32, ...
'SlaveChannelDataWidth', 32, ...
'InterfaceID', 'AXI4-Stream_1');
% add second AXI4-Stream interface
hRD.addAXI4StreamInterface( ...
'MasterChannelNumber', 1, ...
'SlaveChannelNumber', 1, ...
'MasterChannelConnection', 'axi_dma_s2mm_2/S_AXIS_S2MM', ...
'SlaveChannelConnection', 'axi_dma_mm2s_2/M_AXIS_MM2S', ...
'MasterChannelDataWidth', 32, ...
'SlaveChannelDataWidth', 32, ...
'InterfaceID', 'AXI4-Stream_2');
4) Once this custom reference design is created, you can select it in HDL Workflow Advisor Task 1.2.
5) In HDL Workflow Advisor Task 1.3, you can now select from multiple AXI4-Stream interfaces. Note that due to the current limitations, it will be necessary to model and map the READY signals for all the AXI4-Stream interfaces.