MATLAB: How to add (minor) ticks on loglog plot


I plot my data in log scale and some of the graphs don't have any ticks at all. I have tried to add ticks on the y-axis on the loglog plots, but the axis scale then changes back from log-scale to normal scale.
These are some of the different settings that I have tried:
1) set a fixed tick scale:
set(gca, 'YTick', [10.^0 10^0.4 10^0.8 10^1 10^1.3 ])
2) set a tick range:
set(gca, 'YTick', [0.001: 4 : 13])
3) Turn the minor tick function on:
So, how do I add ticks and keep the log scale? I work in Matlab 2012a, Mac OSX
/ Elin

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