MATLAB: How to add leading zero to integer string in MATLAB 7.8 (R2009a)


I want to form a string that has some text, and a number formed by using an integer.
For example, if the integer is 5, I want to form a string –
'SomeText05'. If the integer is 15, I want to form 'SomeText15'.
Strcat('SomeText', int2str(15)) gives me SomeText15, but
strcat('SomeText', int2str(5)) gives me SomeText5. I want SomeText05.
I do not know what format string I should use to get the leading zero before 5.

Best Answer

You can use SPRINTF function with the following 'flag' and 'fieldwidth':
To append this formatted string to a fixed string, you can do something as:
strcat('SomeText', sprintf('%02d',5))
strcat('SomeText', sprintf('%02d',15))
To get more information on SPRINTF and different options that you have along with it, please refer to the following documentation page: