MATLAB: How to add images to data points


How do I add images to data points just like adding text?
labels = [1:2]
c = cellstr(num2str(labels));
gscatter(X, Y, labels);

Best Answer

clc; clear all ;
data = rand(10,2) ;
x = data(:,1) ; y = data(:,2) ;
% Let's try again.
% Plot the original data
hold on;
dx = 0.08 ; dy = 0.08 ; %# Add to the plot
xmin = x-dx ; xmax = x+dx ;
ymin = y-dy ; ymax = y+dy ;
% Make background transperent
img = imread('14.png');
img = flipud(img) ;
for i = 1:length(data)
h = image([xmin(i) xmax(i)],[ymin(i) ymax(i)],img); %# P`lot the image
YOu need to play around and refine the above lines of code.