MATLAB: How to add Filename to all variables automatically

how to add filename to all variables automatically?

Hi, everyone I have 127 variable in a .mat file. I want to add filename to all variables and save them a path like "File\Filename_VariableX" automatically. Thanks a lot.

Best Answer

Assuming you want to process a whole directory like this:
projectdir = 'File'; %location to save into
if ~exist(projectdir, 'dir'); mkdir(projectdir); end
dinfo = dir('*.mat');
for fidx = 1 : length(dinfo)
filename = dinfo(fidx).name;
[~, basename] = fileparts(filename);
datastruct = load(filename);
fn = fieldnames(datastruct);
for nidx = 1 : length(fn)
varname = fn{nidx};
outvarname = [basename '_' varname];
outfilename = fullfile(projectdir, [outvarname '.mat']);
outstruct = struct( outvarname, datastruct.(varname) );
save(outfilename, '-struct', outstruct);
This preserves variable names inside the .mat files.