MATLAB: How to add element to cell array directly in matfile

cell arraysfileMATLAB

I have got a matfile with cell array. So I want ta add the next element to my cell array, but I can't do something like I wrote below(see code), because the data is big and doing it in loop would be very expensive:
cell_array = m.cell_array; % m is matfile object containig cell
cell_array{end + 1} = c; % c is element which I want to add
save('filename', 'cell_array');
How can I do it directly without loading loading and saving the variable?

Best Answer

You can't do it directly. You have to load the whole cell array, modify it and write it back as you have done. The documentation is very clear on this:
"matfile does not support indexing into:
  • Cells of cell arrays"