MATLAB: How to add columns to form a matrix

MATLABmatrix manipulationmatrix reshaping

I am calculating a column vector in a FOR loop. I get N columns and I want to put them in a matrix.
for i = 1: N
dc(i) = ...
dcmatrix =[ dc(1) ; dc(2); .... ;dc(N) ]
%% The above example of dcmatrix is doing it manually. How can I do it with a code?%%
I calculate this dc column vector. I want to all the column vector in the form of matrix. I don't know how to do it.

Best Answer

Create the matrix (or vector) from within the for-loop, not afterwards.
dcmatrix = nan(N, 1); %allocate the matrix (I don't know how many rows you need).
for i = 1:N
dcmatrix(i) = ... %On each loop, data is stored in row i