MATLAB: How to add cells (m) to an already defined array (nx1) so that the new array is (n+m x 1)

arraycell arraystrings

I have made a search type tool which searches for only .mdl files in the folders selected so I used
a= dir(dname);
file_find = '\w*.mdl';
matchStr= regexp(a,file_find,'match');
So its like a is (7 x 1) cell array after that the code does a search for only .mdl and such that R is now (3 x 1). Now this whole code is nested in a loop. When it runs second time R is (1 x 1). I want a combined cell so that the final cell array would be like 3+1=4 ( 4 x 1)

Best Answer

As the code is nested in a loop, value of R is getting overwritten each time. Instead of it, you can append the new value of R as follow:
R = { matchStr(~cellfun('isempty',matchStr)) ; R};