MATLAB: How to add axis limits to imagesc plot

colormapimagescMATLABMATLAB and Simulink Student Suitevisualization

I have created a 13xN matrix where N = ~300K+ columns. The matrix has been formed by 13 different vectors each of which has been processed separately and then normalized individually between 0 & 1. A simple imagesc (see fig1.jpg) plot of the matrix shows me the colour distribution but now I want to add some axis labels and ticks and when I attempt to do that by using the axis command, I get solid colorbars (see fig2.jpg) instead of the distributed colours as I would see in the default imagesc implementation.
How do I add axis ticks and limits while still maintaining the imagesc plot?

Best Answer

You overlooked the exponent. The x-axis stretches to 3e5, not just 30.