MATLAB: How to add AWGN white noise in a 2d vector

awgnguassian noisenoisewhite noise

mixed_ocr is a vector of 350×250. im receiving an error with the following code..please help
A1 = load('mixed_ocr.mat');
mixd_ocr = (A1.mixed_ocr);
y = awgn(mixd_ocr,10,'measured');
??? Error using ==> plus
Integers can only be combined with integers of the same class, or scalar doubles.
Error in ==> awgn at 272
y = sig+wgn(size(sig,1), size(sig,2), noisePower, 1, state, pMode, opType);
Error in ==> PARTA_Q3 at 4
y = awgn(mixd_ocr,10,'measured');

Best Answer

I think you should try casting the mixd_ocr matrix to double.
mixd_ocr = double(mixd_ocr);
If you execute
class(mixd_ocr) % before you cast to double
You'll probably see the issue. For example:
X = randn(350,250);
X = int8(X);
y = awgn(X,10,'measured');
gives the same error you are seeing.
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