MATLAB: How to add and sort a cell with a string in a cell array in order to replace or add a cell with respect the last word of the cell

cellcell arrayssort

I did this using a lot of lines and I was wondering if you could recommend me a better way to do it.
I have a predefined cell array and I'm constantly generating new data that I have to add or replace in the cell array and sorted regarding the last word of the cell.
Let's say I have a cell array A like:
A{1, 1} = 'whatever - a';
A{2, 1} = 'doesNotMatter - b';
A{3, 1} = 'not even with spaces - d';
A{4, 1} = 'blablabla - ee';
if I have these new cells to add in my array
newCell1 = 'thanksForHelping - c';
newCell2 = 'I really appreciate it - ee';
I would like to add newCell1 (since "c" is not in the original) and replace newCell2 with the one in A{4, 1} (since "ee" is there)
so at the end, I can obtain something like:
A =
5×1 cell array
'whatever - a'
'doesNotMatter - b'
'thanksForHelping - c'
'not even with spaces - d'
'I really appreciate it - ee'
I know that the ideal thing will be to change the data to "a – whatever" and use a simple sort but it is not possible to change the final format.
Could you recommend me something?

Best Answer

% The data
A{1, 1} = 'whatever - a';
A{2, 1} = 'doesNotMatter - b';
A{3, 1} = 'not even with spaces - d';
A{4, 1} = 'blablabla - ee';
newCell{1,1} = 'thanksForHelping - c';
newCell{2,1} = 'I really appreciate it - ee';
% Find last words in the old and new data
hyphenIndexA = regexp(A,'-');
lastWordA = cellfun(@(x,y)x(y+2:end),A,hyphenIndexA,'UniformOutput',false);
hyphenIndexNew = regexp(newCell,'-');
lastWordNew = cellfun(@(x,y)x(y+2:end),newCell,hyphenIndexNew,'UniformOutput',false);
% Swap in the replacements if they exist
[tfReplace,locationIndexReplace] = ismember(lastWordA,lastWordNew);
A(tfReplace) = newCell(locationIndexReplace(tfReplace));
% Append the new to the old, if they do not exist
[tfAdd,locationIndexAdd] = ismember(lastWordNew,lastWordA);
A = [A; newCell(not(tfAdd))]