MATLAB: How to add an index to graph title, legend, and output image without having to write everywhere the same number


MOTIVATION: I want that a predefined number be used in the following:
1) generation of a graph,
2) title of the graph,
3) legend of the graph,
4) name of the output file.
EXAMPLE: If I define the index equal to 2 as written in the script below,
x = 0:pi/100:2*pi;
y = sin(x-INDEX);
title('TEST INDEX','FontSize',26, 'FontName','Arial', 'FontWeight','bold')
print -dtiff -f1 -r600 OUTPUT_INDEX %or -dbitmap, -djpeg, -dtiff, -depsc
I WISH: that Matlab uses that value to generate the graph (as it already does), but also writes the name everywhere with that index. Thus the expectation is the following:
2) title of the graph: TEST 2 and not TEST INDEX
3) legend of the graph: sin(x-2) and not sin(x-INDEX)
4) name of the output file: OUTPUT_2 and not OUTPUT_INDEX
I wonder if someone could help me how to write these commands correctly.
Thanks for your attention

Best Answer

what you need is num2str(INDEX) or sprintf()
title(['TEST ',num2str(INDEX));
The file name can be specified as ['OUTPUT_',num2str(INDEX)]