MATLAB: How to add a title using slice plots

add titleplotsliceslice plot

Hey folks,
this is my first question in a forum ever XD (confetti)
I have a volume of measured data and found "slice" beeing perfect to plot those, but I dont know how to add a title and axes labels afterwards.
[Y,X,Z] = meshgrid(Ycm, Xcm, Zcm);
xslice = [Xcm(1),Xcm(2),Xcm(3),Xcm(4),Xcm(5),Xcm(6),Xcm(7)]; yslice = []; zslice = []; %no slices in y or z planes
sliceplot = slice(Y,X,Z, umat, yslice,xslice,zslice);
title='test'; -> gives me nothing
sliceplot.Title='test'; -> gives me "Expected one output from a curly brace or dot indexing expression, but there were 7 results."
sliceplot(1,1).Title='test'; -> gives me "Unrecognized property 'Title' for class ''."
(I know that I can add a title manually, but there is a lot of data to be plot, so an automatic command seems useful to me)
How can I access the plot features?
found it, title('test'); works, but still, is there a way to access the plot afterwards?

Best Answer

Here's a functional demo of Adam's and Kalyan's suggestions. I added a different method of getting the axis handle.
% Create slice plot
[X,Y,Z] = meshgrid(-2:.2:2);
V = X.*exp(-X.^2-Y.^2-Z.^2);
xslice = [-1.2,0.8,2];
yslice = [];
zslice = 0;
h = slice(X,Y,Z,V,xslice,yslice,zslice); %grab output handle(s)
% Get axis handle
axh = h(1).Parent; %alternative: axh = gca;
title(axh, 'title')
xlabel(axh, 'x')
ylabel(axh, 'y')
zlabel(axh, 'z')