MATLAB: How to add a set of data to an array in a for loop n number of times without rewriting the previous data in the array

append arrayfor loop

for i=1:1:100
while A(i)~=1
%do some data processing of A and obtain B
A(idx)= 1;
end for
end while
In this program how do I store all the values of idx in S for every itereation of the loop without over writing the previous stored values of idx in S. I need all such values of idx for future use.

Best Answer

Save in a cell array.
S = cell(1,100);
for i=1:1:100
while A(i)~=1
%do some data processing of A and obtain B
S{i}=idx % cell array indexing
A(idx)= 1;
end % while
end % for
Access the element like this
S{1} % idx for i=1
S{2} % idx for i=2