MATLAB: How to add a second Y axis with a different scale in a plot in MATLAB 7.9 (R2009b)


I create a plot and want to have two different Y scales to display two different units for the same data. For example, when I draw the following plot:
I want to add the second Y axis with the following limits:
[20 25]

Best Answer

The following examples show how to add the second Y axis that ranges from 20 to 25:
1. Add the second Y axis manually:
% Plot function.
h = plot(1:10)
hold on
box off
% Create second Y axes on the right.
a2 = axes('YAxisLocation', 'Right')
% Hide second plot.
set(a2, 'color', 'none')
set(a2, 'XTick', [])
% Set scala for second Y.
set(a2, 'YLim', [20 25])
2. Use PLOTYY:
[a,h1,h2]=plotyy(1:10, 1:10, 1:10, linspace(20,25,10));
set(a(2),'ycolor', get(a(1), 'ycolor'));