MATLAB: How to add a for loop to do subplots


Create a subplot with two graphs subplot(2,1,x). The top plot will be your summed sinusoids and the bottom will show all the sinusoids used to create the final sinusoid. To do this, use the for loop to create a matrix that contains three vectors, one for each of the base sinusoids. Then use one command (outside your function) to plot all three together on the bottom subplot.
My code is below but I am unsure how or where to add a for loop to execute this. My thought was to store the "x" value and then plot it.
function [xx,tt] = syn_sin(fk,xk,fs,dur,tstart)
if nargin <5, tstart=0, end
if length (xk)~= length(fk)
error ('error', 'fk~=xk');
t= tstart: 1/(fs):dur;
x=xk(1)* exp(2*j*pi*fk(1)*t);
for k=2:length(fk);
x=xk(k) *exp(2*j*pi*fk(k)*t) +x;
plot(t,x),grid on

Best Answer

The general template to build subplots within a loop
nrows = 2; % number of subplot rows

ncols = 1; % number of subplot columns

nsubs = nrows * ncols; % total number of subplots

for i = 1:nsubs
subplot(nrows, ncols, i)
plot(. . .)
For r2019b or later, you can used tiledlayout
nrows = 2; % number of subplot rows
ncols = 1; % number of subplot columns
nsubs = nrows * ncols; % total number of subplots
tiledlayout(nrows, ncols)
for i = 1:nsubs
plot(. . .)
Let me know if there are any questions | problems.
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