MATLAB: How to add a dashed horizontal line at 0 using plot function

#plot #horizontallinehorizontal lineMATLAByline

How I do add a dashed horizontal line on a graph using the plot function?

Best Answer

Here are 3 options to add a dashed horizontal line to a plot. The 1st option is recommended if you're using matlab r2018b or later.
% Use yline() to plot a horizontal line at y=0 (requires r2018b or later)
% This will automatically adjust if your xlim changes.
% Plot a line at y=0 that spans from x=0 to x=5
plot([0,5],[0,0], 'k--')
% Plot a line at y=0 that spans the current x-limits of your axes
plot([min(xlim()),max(xlim())],[0,0], 'k--')