MATLAB: How to add a command to .p file

MATLAB C/C++ Math Librarymatlab codermex compilerp file

Dear all,
I want to convert a MATLAB code with .m extension that calls a function from ILOG CPLEX software to solve Mixed Integer Programs to a MEX file in C language for faster execution. When I tried to build the code, I received the following message: " Warning: The specified compiler (msvcsdk) does not support the OpenMP library; turning off parallelization. ??? P-file 'C:/Program Files/IBM/ILOG/CPLEX_Studio125/cplex/matlab/x64_win64/cplexmilp.p' is not authorized for compilation. To support compilation, please consider using 'coder.allowpcode' in this file. When the file defines a MATLAB class, 'coder.allowpcode' should be added to the class constructor." How can I modify the specified file to include this command in it? Or is there any other way to solve this problem. Thanks in advance and help is highly appreciated.

Best Answer

Short answer is "can't" unless you have the source from which the p-file was built.
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