MATLAB: How to add a column to a table based on each csv files name

add columnname columnname tablewrite csvxlswrite

I want to write a bunch of csv files together and I am using the following code:
xx = table();
CSVfileNames = dir('*.csv');
for kk = 1:numel(CSVfileNames)
x0 = readtable(CSVfileNames(kk).name);
xx = [xx; x0];
However, within the file I would like an additional column which has the csv file name.
So for example, the first 10 rows would be named the first csv file, the next 10 rows would be the next csv file name etc.
I tried
xx = addvars(xx,CSVfileNames,'Before','Var1');
– but this didnt work.
I am very new to Matlab so please bear with me! I found this code online and have adapted.

Best Answer

filename = CSVfileNames(kk).name;
x0 = readtable(filename);
x0 = addvars(x0, repmat({filename}, height(x0), 1), 'Before', 'Var1', 'NewVariableNames', 'filename');