MATLAB: How to add a colormap manually as x-axis under an histogram


Dear all,
I have created an histogram to look at the distribution of pixels per grey in an (8-bit) image. The reason for not using the imhist function is because I create an histogram with a double y-axis, one on the left (a log-axis) and one on the right (normal axis) to represent how wide the distribution is at the low values. (The function I use is attached, in case it is of interest to anyone. It is just an adaptation done quickly from a function by Araja.) The type of histogram I get is this:
I would like to add a colormap under the x-axis, like the one we can see here:
Anybody knows how to do so?
Thank you in advance!

Best Answer

Call colorbar with the 'southoutside' location as shown in the "Add Horizontal Colorbar to Graph" example on the documentation page.