MATLAB: How to actually use export_fig


How does the export_fig function work? I always get the hint to use the File Exchange and this function if I want to get high resolution pictures from my plots, but there is not a single word on how to actually use it. So everyone talks about it like you already know everything about it 🙁 I am quite new to matlab. Do I just unzip it and copy all files in my directory of my script and then? Do I need to change something? Can someone help me with this or at least give me a link to a README that explains on how to use such functions? Thank you

Best Answer

"Usage examples and tips can be found in the README section at:"
To use it, go to the link in the file exchange and click on the Download link. Save the .zip file somewhere. Unzip the .zip into a separate directory in a convenient location. Then go into MATLAB and use the command
and add the directory to the MATLAB path.
After that, you call it like any function that can be used in command or function mode.