MATLAB: How to activate/install a trial or pre-release on a machine that cannot connect to MathWorks


I would like to activate/install my trial or pre-release on a computer that cannot connect to the MathWorks, either because the machine is offline or behind a firewall or proxy server.

Best Answer

It is strongly recommended that you connect to the internet to install MATLAB. If the machine is connected to the internet but the installer cannot connect to MathWorks, please see the following article:
Activating a MATLAB trial on an offline machine is the same process as a professional MATLAB license, however installing has 2 main differences:
  1. .iso downloads are only available for certain trials.
  2. In the License Center, trials show up by pressing "Trials" button, visible in the upper left corner of the license center.
With these differences in mind, please see the following article for instructions on activating/installing a trial on an offline machine:
If that does not work and you are unable to obtain the manual installation files, please contact MathWorks Support.
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