MATLAB: How to access variables inside a table inside a table


Hello, I wrote this code to load all the files in the current directory ending in .txt. to a variable called FinalTables. It reads tables in a .txt file.
i=1; d = dir('*.txt');
for i=1 : numel(d) FinalTables{i} = readtable(d(i).name , 'delimiter' , '\t', 'headerlines', 1);
The files that get read are formatted like this:
Spectra ASCII data for data set… Kinetic Energy(eV) Binding Energy(eV) Intensity(Counts) Intensity(Counts/sec) Transmission Value 1190.690000 296.000000 575 575.000000 0.758704
With a lot more data.
My question is this. If I type FinalTables{1} It reads out the entire first table. FinalTables{2} does the same for the second table.
How do I access the first column of FinalTables{1}? I want to access all of the Kinetic Energy values for the first Final Tables.

Best Answer

As far as I can tell, you don't have a table inside a table. You have a cell vector of tables. Nothng wrong with that, but it's not the same thing. I can't exactly tell what your files or tables look like, but in general terms, to access the KineticEnergy variable in the first table, you'd do this:
and to access elements in that variable, you do this:
Hope this helps.