MATLAB: How to access the methods of a returned object


I'd like to achieve the following, but don't know if it's possible.
I have a function that returns an object of a class. The returned object has a method. I'd like to access the method inline.
For example, say I have a class called myclass, with a method called classmethod. I also have a standalone function, myfunc, that takes a numeric argument and returns an instance of myclass. If I say…
obj = myfunc(123);
…then everything is fine, although the workspace now has an additional variable (obj). Is it possible to say the following?
I keep getting this error "??? Undefined variable "myfunc" or class "myfunc"."
Thanks, Alex

Best Answer

no, that's not possible. It's like with numeric arrays: you can't index into the result of a function directly. Suppose your myfunc returns a matrix.
would not work either...
You could of course encapsulate this into some function that combines those two steps, but I doubt that makes sense.
By the way it looks weird to me that you create an object, want to call one method only and apparently have no use for the object afterwards? Nothing wrong with it per se, but seems not typical to me.