MATLAB: How to access the example model “noise_amplitude_ex” in RF Blockset 2.4 (R2009a)

RF Blockset

The example model noise_amplitude_ex is given as a screenshot in the documentation page:
web([docroot 'R2009a/help/toolbox/rfblks/bqnkvg0-1.html'])
I would like to have an actual copy of the model to see how it works.

Best Answer

This model does not come as part of the shipped product. The attached demo is similar to the example noise_amplitude_ex shown in the documentation page.
Follow the steps below to run this example.
1. Un-select the add noise check box of the Input Port block and run the attached model. You can see the output without the noise added by the amplifier.
2. Select the add noise check box and run the same model again. You see the output signal with the noise of the amplifier.