MATLAB: How to access the data from a table and plot one column vs the other


How to access the data from a table and plot one column vs the other?
I have a table with temperature records for two cities over the year.
How do I access the values of temperature data from the table for individual cities and how to plot the temperature values over the months for both the cities?
A shorter version of the table and its format are shown below.
T =
5×3 table
Cities Months Temperature
______ _______ ___________
"LA" 'Jan' 95
"LA" 'Feb' 98
"LA" 'March' 73
"LA" 'April' 98
"LA" 'May' 89

Best Answer

Please find attached an example script, "tableAccessAndPlot.m". This example demonstrates how to access the temperature data from the table for individual cities, and how to plot the temperature values over the months for both the cities. Please refer to the following link for more information on accessing data in a table:
Alternatively, you could also create a time series data and use the time series plot. Please refer to the following link for more information on using the time series plot and examples: