MATLAB: How to access subfunction headers with “help” command

documentationheadershelphelp commandsubfunction headerssubfunctions

Hallo userbase,
for the following situation, is it possible to print the subfunction header to the command window using help?
function foo = myFunc(bar)
% A pointless function to demonstrate my question.
% @param <bar> input var
% @return <foo> output var
foo = mySubFunc(bar);
end % END myFunc
function foo = mySubFunc(bar)
% Here is some information about my very important and refactored subfunction.
foo = bar + bar;
end % END mySubFunc
If I punch in help myFunc :
>> help myFunc
A pointless function to demonstrate my question.
@param <bar> input var
@return <foo> output var
But is there some way to access the subfunction header? Something like help myFunc.mySubFunc?
All the best, Marshall

Best Answer

I'm fairly sure you can't. The subfunction is private to the file it is in so it has no outside visibility and shouldn't need it either since it cannot be called from outside of its parent file.