MATLAB: How to access structures through strings


I am trying to access specific parts of the structure by appending a string to it. Instead of struct.field, I want to do p = 'field', struct.p (something along those lines). Reason why I am doing this is to avoid using a bunch of if statements for my hundred-some variables or structure fields that I will be looking at. If there is a better way of doing it, please let me know.
for j = 1:length(MATFilesInfo)%list of MAT files in directory neeed to be covered
load (char(MATFilesInfo(j)));%loads through each MAT file individually
for i = 1:length(varnames/3)%need to run analysis on every set of 3 variables
enblcndtionname = who('-regexp',char(varnames(3*(i - 1)+1)));%This the enable condition
var1name = who('-regexp',char(varnames(3*(i - 1)+2)));%First variable comparison e.g. EGRDELAVE
var2name = who('-regexp',char(varnames(3*(i - 1)+3)));%Second variable comparison e.g. EGRIDIFF
enblcndholder = eval(enblcndtionname);%allows matlab to recognize string as variable

var1holder = eval(var1name);%allows matlab to recognize string as variable
var2holder = eval(var2name);%allows matlab to recognize string as variable
smallest = [length(enblcndholder), length(var1holder), length(var2holder)];%use the smallest
scalar = min(smallest);%use the smallest length as a scalar for
%larger length arrays to go through the
%same number of points as the smaller array
OBDVariables(i).var1name = enblcndholder(1:length(enblcndholder)/scalar:length(enblcndholder));%This is where the part of the code will not work because
OBDVariables(i).char(varnames(3*(i - 1)+2)) = var1holder(1:length(var1holder)/scalar:length(var1holder));%I cannot find the appropriate syntax to manipulate the structure like so
OBDVariables(i).char(varnames(3*(i - 1)+3)) = var2holder(1:length(var2holder)/scalar:length(var2holder));%
I am a newbie at coding so please let me know if something else is grossly inefficient or if there is a better way to do things.