MATLAB: How to access specific integer values from a String and Convert into Integers


I have a MATLAB String "2018-04-24 04:30:00". I would like to access two specific values and save them as integers, i.e.
year = 2018
month = 04
I tried using str2num but it truncates the entire string because I can't apply it directly to the original string in that sense. My ultimate aim is to access the integer values of 2018 and 04 from this very string and save these into 2 seperate integer type variables – year and month. Any help in this regard from the MATLAB Community would be highly appreciated.

Best Answer

To get numerical results (integer values) use ymd function:
A = "2018-04-24 04:30:00"
[Year, Month, Day] = ymd(datetime(A))
A =
"2018-04-24 04:30:00"
Year =
Month =
Day =
For only month and day use:
[~, Month, Day] = ymd(datetime(A))
The answer above returns the result as datatype datetime.
Best regards
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