MATLAB: How to access figure file ?


using openfig() function i opened fig file. it opened properly. but i didn't get the same result as when i run fig file.
in fig file i created one textbox and one push button. i made validation for textbox. when i clicked push button. it will display proper message.
but when i opened this fig file in another program using openfig() function. it doesn't provide the message.
help me friends to access this fig file in another program

Best Answer

It sounds like you have a GUI with a .m file and an associated .fig file. When you call openfig() it opens the figure from the .fig file, which will have basically an empty figure just like if you created it in GUIDE. However apparently it's not running any code from the m-file when you do that. To run that code you'd have to call the fig file by name in a line of code and pass it any input arguments it needs. That way it will run the m-file. For example, if you have myGui.fig and myGui.m, don't do this:
openfig('myGui.fig'); % Don't do this!
do this instead
myGui(); % Just call it by name which will run its m-file code