MATLAB: How to access element with same index from multiple cells


For example, we have
a = cell(2,2);
a{1} = 1:4;
a{2} = 1:4;
a{3} = 1:4;
a{4} = 1:4;
How can we access like
to extract all first elements in cells a ?

Best Answer

>> extract = @(C, k) cellfun(@(c)c(k), C) ;
>> extract(a, 1)
ans =
1 1
1 1
>> extract(a, 3)
ans =
3 3
3 3
if you want to make a lightweight function for extracting various elements of various cell arrays, or simply
>> cellfun(@(c)c(1), a)
ans =
1 1
1 1
if it is just for cell array a and you are fine with hard coding the element # in the expression.