MATLAB: How to access data from “Structure within structures”

MATLABstructures in structer

I am beginner I have structure "Sdata" of struct. Which Contains 10 struct. From these every struct, How can I extract 3rd and 4th value?

Best Answer

If every field has the same size, then this will work:
M = vertcat(Sdata.BoundingBox);
And here is a simple example of it being used. First define some fake data in a 1x3 structure:
>> S(1).B = [8,9,Inf,NaN];
>> S(2).B = [4,5,6,7];
>> S(3).B = [0,1,2,3];
then extract the 3rd and 4th columns of every field:
>> M = vertcat(S.B);
>> M(:,3:4)
ans =
Inf NaN
6 7
2 3
Read this to know how it works: