MATLAB: How to access column or a row in Table


How I can access the row or column in Matlab Table. Interestingly, Matlab allow you to access the content by using the traditional way which is using numerical value or by string.
For example, I have the following table. Then I am interested to extract the information from column BL, SS1, SS2, SS3, SS4. SS5, SS6, SS7, and SS8.
So There is two ways
% Traditional way
ListPat = at.table.sixEarly(:,1:8);
Or by using something that maintain easy readability.
AccColumn = {'BL' 'SS1' 'SS2' 'SS3' 'SS4' 'SS5' ...
'SS6' 'SS7' 'SS8'};
ListPat = at.table.sixEarly(:,AccColumn);
I prefer the second method because it ensure you know which column exactly you extract out. In addition, I think I read it somewhere, MATLAB will somewhere discontinue the DATASET type. You can read further about the Table here.

Best Answer

I am certain you have already read the documentation on Access Data in a Table (link) that defines several ways.