MATLAB: How to access an individual value of MWNumericArray


I created a .net assembly for this Code:
function y = makesquare(x)
y = magic(x);
Then I build a .NET application using this code:
// Make .NET Namespaces available to your generated component.
using System;
using MagicSquareComp;
using MathWorks.MATLAB.NET.Arrays;
// Initialize your classes before you use them.
namespace MainApp
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
MLTestClass obj = null;
MWNumericArray input = null;
MWNumericArray output = null;
MWArray[] result = null;
// Because class instantiation and method invocation make their exceptions at run time,
// you should enclose your code in a try-catch block to handle errors.
// Instantiate your component class.
obj = new MLTestClass();
// Invoke your component.
input = 5;
result = obj.makesquare(1, input);
// Extract the Magic Square you created from the first index of result
output = (MWNumericArray)result[0];
// print the output.
How can I access to individual value of MWNumericArray, e.g. I want to display each value in Message Box MsgBox(myIndividualValue);

Best Answer

Try using the ToArray method. e.g.
double[] values = output.ToArray(MWArrayComponent.Real);
You should then be able to index that array to get the individual values.