MATLAB: How to access a cell array using loops

arrayscell arraysfor loop

I have a cell array A who's dimensions is in multiples of 8. For ex 1×192 , now i want to pick the elements of the cell array in the following way.
1,9,17,25…nth elements should be stored it in a separate cell array. similarly 2,10,18,26..n in a separate cell array and another set would be 3,11,19,27..n in a separate cell array. this must be continued till 8,16,24,32..
How can i automate this, where the cell array size is dynamic. But it is always a multiple of 8.
Any help would be appreciated thanks

Best Answer

Storing data in lots of separate variables should be avoided, read this to know why:

The simplest solution would be for you to reshape your array into a matrix and access its rows/columns:

C = cell(1,192) % your cell array
M = reshape(C,8,[]);

then accessing the data that you require is trivial using basic MATLAB indexing:

M(1,:) % 1, 9,17,...
M(2,:) % 2,10,18,...
M(8,:) % 8,16,24,...

Note that you can easily access the data in a loop:

for k = 1:8

or split it into a cell array of cell arrays using num2cell.

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