MATLAB: How the user can save his result(gui) in a folder that he wanted?

matlab gui save

Hye guyz. You all here realy help me with matlab since i am a beginner. Now i know a little bit about gui in matlab. I have a question. i have a figure of gui and a save button. I did this coding:
filename = inputdlg('Please enter the name for your figures');
extensions = {'fig','bmp'};
for k = 1:length(extensions
saveas(gcf, filename{:}, extensions{k})
But this only can save at the folder of my gui. How i want to make the user can choose which folder that he want to save the gui in .bmg file??

Best Answer

This should work on Windows OS, don't know how to do it for other OS.
filename = inputdlg('Please enter the name for your figures');
extensions = {'fig','bmp'};
dname = uigetdir('C:'); %you can change C: to other directories
%or even use a edit box where the user can select the default path
for k = 1:length(extensions)
saveas(gcf, [dname '\' filename{:}], extensions{k})