MATLAB: How should I scratch this ticket


One of our local car dealers is having a promotion where they give out scratch tickets. The rules are simple – scratch any six boxes on the 5 by 5 grid and if they all contain a $ sign then you win some money.
The challenge: come up with a MATLABish way to generate six unique linear indices from 1:25. Any algorithm, method, implementation is okay. The results; however, need to be repeatable when run on my system. This could be as simple as:
luckyN = @()[1 11 18 22 13 3]; %your choice lucky numbers
to anything way more complicated than I can't understand. Points for originality. Explain what you're doing so this can be sort of educational.
The winner will get an answer acceptance, and if their numbers win, something even cooler. You have until Monday June 27th at 1700 EDT. Multiple answers okay as well 🙂
The Results:

Best Answer
