MATLAB: How may i get data from writerobj

image processingImage Processing Toolbox

I can use getdata(obj) to get data from memory buffer.
But in the toolbox it teaches me to log image data into a videowriter obj (the disk), when i use
writerObj = VideoWriter('newfile.mj2','motion jpeg 2000');
obj.DiskLogger = writerObj;
i can get writerObj, but
doesnt work…since this command is for memory buffer only, not for the disk.
So how may i get the logging frame data from writerObj? such as a '.mj2' file?

Best Answer

If you want the original data you will need to use a different writerobj, or log to memory. I don't think mj2 files are lossless, so if you were to read the data back out of the created file, I don't think you would get exactly the input data.