MATLAB: How many times does each combination of numbers appear

combination confirmationMATLAB

Let's say I ran randi(1-40) to produce 5 columns and 100 rows Would I be able to get it to tell me how many times, 1 and 2, for example, come up in the same row. Then if not how may times another combination would come up like 3 and 4 for example? Thanks everyone for any help

Best Answer

"get it to tell" depends on what the little word "it" refers to. The function randi() cannot tell that.
Try this as a start
M = randi([1,5],100,5);
has_12 = arrayfun( @(jj) all( ismember( [1,2], M(jj,:) ) ), (1:size(M,1)) );
has_34 = arrayfun( @(jj) all( ismember( [3,4], M(jj,:) ) ), (1:size(M,1)) );
has = has_12 & has_34;
>> sum(has)
ans =
In this case, ten out of one hundred rows has 1,2,3 and 4,