MATLAB: How many degrees should be counted for computing the adjusted R^2 of a neural network

adusted r^2

Hi everyone,
I am trying to calculate the adusted R^2 of a network.Thus I should take into account the number of parameters of the network. The number of parameters delivered from a network with k inputs, i hidden units, 1 hidden layer kai n output should be equal to
k*l + l*n + bias hidden layer + bias in the output + k*n direct input-output connections.
Does anyone know if matlab has a bias in the output? Does anytone know if matlab calculates parameters for the direct input-output connections?
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

Consider N pairs of I-dimensional "I" nput vectors and O-dimensional "O"utput target vectors. If Ntrn is the number of training pairs, the number of training equations is
Ntrneq = Ntrn*O
If SSEtrn is the sum of squared training subset errors, corresponding mean-square-error, MSEtrn is given by
MSEtrn = SSEtrn/Ntrneq
For an I-H-O feedforward net, the number of unknown weight variables to be estimated by the training subset pairs is
Nw = (I+1)*H+(H+1)*O = O + (I+O+1)*H
resulting in the number of training degrees-of-freedom
Ntrndof = Ntrneq - Nw
Therefore, the DOF adjusted training set mean-square-error is given by
MSEtrna = SSEtrn/ Ntrndof
I have posted zillions of examples in both the NEWSGROUP and ANSWERS. Some examples can be obtained with the search words
greg MSEa
greg MSEtrna
Hope this helps.
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